batters up

Commercial bakery rental

About The Batters Up Bakery

Welcome to Batters Up Bakery, a 375 sq ft commercial kitchen where aspiring bakers and culinary masters will find a well-equipped and inspiring space designed to empower your creativity. Here you will have everything you need at your fingertips to refine your current recipes or experiment with new ones. The Batters Up Bakery’s versatile mixed-use kitchen layout ensures that it caters to a variety of culinary pursuits beyond baking. Whether you need a commercial bakery or kitchen rental space convenient to NYC and the surrounding metropolitan area, the Le Gourmet Factory in Englewood, NJ boasts six fully equipped commercial kitchens. We are certain that one of them will check all the boxes on your kitchen wish list.

To reserve the exclusive use of the Batters Up Bakery, 29 credits per hour are required. The kitchen includes the following commercial-grade equipment.

rent a bakery

Additional Features

Shared facilities include refrigeration/freezer, double burner wok cooktop, a secure dry ingredients storage room, and a dish room with a 3-bay sink, dish rack, and dishwasher.

Our on-site conference room can be scheduled as part of your rental agreement.

Le Gourmet Factory tenants have exclusive access to front and rear parking spaces.

A common area with free Wi-Fi for client consultations, emailing, phone calls, and
(if you’ve had a long night) a quick nap.

A loading dock provides direct entry to the kitchen area.

Women's and men’s restrooms (handicap accessible).